Ramon Luis Valcárcel Siso (born November 16, 1954) is a Spanish politician, president of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia from 1995.
He was born in Murcia in 1954 and is married with three children. He is licensed in Philosophy and Letters by the University of Murcia, and he was a high school teacher of "Art's history" and he performed as a researcher. He researched about this topic and about typical customs and popular traditions of Murcia.
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He started his political career in 1982, the year in which he joined the Popular Alliance (now the People's Party (PP)) and later took on responsibility for the territorial organization of the Local Meeting of the municipality of Murcia.
In October, 1983 he became a member of the Executive Regional Committee of the PP, as the person in charge of the Territorial Area of the Region of Murcia. Four years later, in 1987, he was nominated a regional vice-president of the People's party.
In the Municipal Elections of 1987 he was elected a councilman of the Town of Murcia, regaining the function of president and speaker of the Municipal Group for the People's party.
In 1991, as head of list of the People's party, he won the Municipal Elections to the Town of Murcia, though an agreement between the Socialist and the United Left parties prevented him from acceding to the Mayoralty.
In November 1991, he was elected president of the People's party of the Region of Murcia, a post that he has retained in successive congresses.
President of the Region of Murcia in May, 1995, the People's party managed to overturn the political landscape of the Region of Murcia, till then governed by the Socialist party. Ramon Luis Valcárcel was unseated as president of the Autonomous Community in the support of the absolute majority of the Regional Assembly.
In 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011 he confirmed the above mentioned majorities, being the candidacy headed by Ramon Luis Valcárcel most voted of all those they meet to the Autonomous Elections of 2011 in the set of the Autonomous Communities of Spain, with 58,8 % of the votes. He obtains 33 seats of a whole of 45 in the Regional Assembly of Murcia. Identical results are given in the municipal elections or in the processes of top area in the Region of Murcia. Far from suffering a decline, the People's party of the Region of Murcia has continued increasing its popular support election after choice.
Since becoming president of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, he has occupied in addition diverse charges in the heart of the Committee of the Regions (CDR) of the European Union and the Inter Mediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions of Europe (CRPM).
At present and from February, 2002, he has been a member of the Commission of Territorial Cohesion (COTER), and from March, 2006, member of the Commission of Sustainable Development (DEVE). Likewise he is a vice-president of the Group of the European People's Party of the CoR.
In 2003 he was part of the Delegation of the CoR in the European Convention that was entrusted with the elaboration of the Constitutional Agreement for the European Union.
Between 2004 and 2006 he was a President of the Commission of Exterior Relations.
Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions of Europe (CRPM)
From September, 2002 he is Vice-president of the Political Bureau of the CRPM. Between 1999 and 2001 he presided at the Inter Mediterranean Commission.